
Hi, welcome to Tea and Takes.

I created this blog as a way of bringing my two loves together: Food and Film although food is taking over slightly at the moment!

I love the idea in film that if you don’t get something right first time you keep trying until you’re happy with the end result. This definitely applies to life and especially with food! What I love about cooking is that you can make the same recipe more than once and more often than not it can taste slightly different each time. You can be as adventurous as you want and are forever learning.

Cooking and baking for me is something I do to relax. There’s nothing I like to do better than put my apron on, whack on some country tunes and get busy cooking in the kitchen – they’ll usually be some singing and dancing involved too!

Tea and Takes focuses mostly on healthy recipes, with the occasional treat (because life’s for living, right?). Also thrown in are reviews of the latest foodie places, films & events, plus some travel stories and adventures.

I have always been a huge lover of stories and storytelling and growing up with a large Irish family, we were never short of a story or two in our household. I believe food offers opportunities to share stories and make connections, which is so important in life and through Tea and Takes I aim to share those stories with you.

I hope you enjoy.

Fiona x

fi b

1 thought on “About”

  1. Hello!

    I saw your blog and thought it had great recipes and awesome pictures! I therefore would like to invite you to our new culinary website which has just started.

    This is how it works in short. TastyQuery.com is a website for food bloggers and their fans allowing them to automatically collect recipes from your food blog. It’s a large database of links to recipes on food blogs. Everyone can join us for free.

    For more please visit:

    TastyQuery.com is an English version of our main website called “Mikser Kulinarny”, founded in Poland. “Mikser Kulinarny” has a large audience (over 2 mln unique visitors monthly) and with TastyQuery.com we want to repeat that success and drive thousands of new visitors to your food blog.

    In case of any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us.

    best regards

    Ania, TastyQuery.com

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