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039 (800x533)064 (800x533) 065 (800x533)Have you ever heard the tale about Nan Clark’s lane? They say it’s haunted and once a year Nan Clark herself makes an appearance, scaring the wits out of local passers-by who come to the fields to take a lovely stroll. I came across Nan Clarke’s Lane as an old school friend used to live on the house on the corner. It’s a beautiful part of North West London and the lane leads on to the most beautiful fields and woods where there are several horses and some of the most stunning houses you will ever see. However, the myth of Nan Clark does leave a slightly eerie feeling around the area as you head out walking your dog!

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075 (800x533)081 (800x533) 083 (800x533)The story of Nan Clark goes, there once lived a lady, Nan Clarke, who worked in the local tavern (the pub is now called The Rising Sun). She was a well-liked woman who had many admiring punters, however she also had a very jealous husband. One day her husband barged into the pub drunk and started yelling and screaming at Nan Clark. He was furious. Apparently there were whispers going round that Nan Clark had been having an affair. Now back in those days this was seen as something unforgivable. Nan Clark’s husband dragged Nan Clark out of the tavern, down what is now called Nan Clark’s lane, pulling her hair when she tried to struggle. The punters in the pub followed them both down to the lake and it was here in front of several others that Nan Clark was murdered by being drowned in the lake. 210 (800x533)

085 (800x533) 087 (800x533)102 (800x533)Despite this story and tales of the lane being haunted it really is one of the nicest places to go for a walk. I used to go for walks a lot around there with a friend who lived in the area. She once had a halloween party and as she was looking over the pictures of the night she spotted something odd in the corner of the picture. On closer inspection, the shape of an old woman with a rather hooked nose and a black high dress and bonnet was clearly visible in the picture. It was unbelievably spooky. I thought she was having us on and she said herself that when she showed it to her friend he was convinced it was photo shopped but still to this day, it gives me a shiver thinking about the picture.

Nan Clarks Lane

Nan Clarks Lane

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So if you’re into your myths and legends, see what you think, head to the fields for a stroll but be sure to keep your eye out for the mythical legend that is Nan Clark.

Nan Clarks Lane

Nan Clarks Lane